
Saturday 19 August 2023

Question: Can you explain what you mean by the 'Four Brahmaviharas?

Question: Can you explain what you mean by the 'Four Brahmaviharas?

Ajahn Sumedho: The Four Brahmaviharas - metta, karuna, mudita, upekkha - are called the Divine Abodes. They are pure states of mind. They are natural responses of the pure mind. The mind is pure when we free ourselves from selfish interest - greed, hatred and delusion. When the mind is not caught up in these, the brahmaviharas are its natural abiding place.

Metta is a general attitude to living creatures - a sense of patience, loving-kindness and the absence of fault-finding. 

Karuna is more like compassion and pity; it's about feeling the suffering of others, recognising what suffering is like. This is where we feel compassion and empathy, which is different from feeling sorry for others in a sentimental way. 

Mudita is translated as sympathetic joy; the joy we find in the happiness of others. The joy we find in the beauty of the goodness of others. It is an antidote to jealousy. Often when we see someone better off, better looking, we feel jealousy. But mudita is the lovely quality of delight and appreciation for the beauty and success of others. 

And upekkha is the serenity of the mind - the serenity and emotional balance of the mind.

19 August 2023

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