
Saturday 19 August 2023

“Buddha can go Nirvana, so can you.”

“Buddha can go Nirvana, so can you.”

Ajahn Keng is a Singaporean monk in the Thai Forest Tradition. As a young man, he was training to become a chef in an international hotel. However, he became very ill. In spite of going to many specialist doctors, they could not find out what his illness was. They sent him to the psychiatrist because they thought he had mental problems. He didn't.

In desperation, he went to a Thai Buddhist temple in Singapore. When he hears the evening chanting at the temple, his mind became peaceful and he forgot about his pain. After some time he was invited to join in the chanting and learn meditation.

Because of his serious illness, he meditated for three hours every day. After a few months, he attained the state of jhana or deep meditation.

He was told by doctors that he had only a few months to live. In desperation, he sold everything he had and used the money to buy an air ticket to Thailand. He ordained as a Buddhist monk at a Thai Forest Temple where Ajahn Geoff was residing.

30 years later, Ajahn Keng is a healthy and highly respected Buddhist monk. He also received the title Chao Khun from the King of Thailand. As he puts it, meditation and becoming a monk saved his life. Otherwise, he would probably have died 30 years ago.

Part 1

Part 2


“Buddha can go Nirvana, so can you.”

Dhamma Talks by Chao Khun Keng on 16th Sept, 2018


20 August 2023

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