
Saturday 8 July 2023

The Teaching of Master Chin Kung

The Teaching of Master Chin Kung

I once asked nursing home managers, they set up nursing homes for commercial purposes, hoping to reap the profits, so it's not out of compassion.

Do they have entertainment for the elderly? She replied, once a week or twice a month, calling the school for her students to come visit, singing and dancing, to entertain the manulas.

But many elderly people are not willing to witness such events, what is the reason? They don't have a hobby of watching people sing and dance, this is a nursing home established by the Chinese.

I told the managers, it's not only those who don't like to watch people sing and dance, I myself don't want to watch such shows.

He went dumb as hell what was the reason Elders are living in their era(old times), you should take the ancient songs and dances or era while they are young, then they can rejoice.

They definitely going throw it down this was my favorite song when I was younger it hit different

Nursing home managers don't know it, try playing 1950's era songs, the elderly will love it. 

Otherwise if you play modern songs, of course he doesn't like it, not used to it.

Therefore a career in this field is very important. I tell them, you are in a career of looking after and nursing the elderly, this is the noblest career, the career of the saints.

They don't understand, they ask why I say so? I say when the elderly in his daily life is unhappy, in his heart there is hatred, later after death, will fall into the three low realms.

If you can help her get through her old days happily, every day make her laugh, after death, she will be born in Heaven, or return again to the human world.

This is the same meaning of taking him from Hell to Heaven, whose career do you think this is? You can make your parents happy, later you will also be born in Heaven.

This career is so noble, helping the manulas not to fall into misery, you yourself will be born in Heaven.

This career is so noble, how to do it perfectly? This is a devotion. The most important thing is that the leader of the nursing home must start it, he must be able to fulfill the teachings of devotion, then his staff will follow the devotion.

Suppose he himself is not filial, but tells his staff to be filial, it will not be effective, a leader must lead by example.

Excerpts of Master Chin Kung's Lecture 6 May 2011

I also question the elderly's business, he is a private business, and he is operating it as a kind of business, it is not a trap, it is commercialization. Is there a milestone to get rid of the elderly? He has, once a week, or eight times a month, and he finds some old school friends to sing and dance to comfort the old man. But many elderly people don't want to see or kiss, what's the reason? The elderly people who performed are not happy, do not wish to see him dance, do not wish for him to sing, because it is a nursing home in Zhongzhou. I would sue him and I didn’t but he didn’t want to see it and I didn't want to. And he just broke down. What's wrong with you? why ? Old man lived in that era, you would show him singing and dancing of that era, and he was delighted. He was my childhood friend, and he was my childhood friend. 

It's not the same. He must be delighted when he thinks that you're going to sing a song from fifty years ago. You have to use the current 門 不 password, and he is not used to it. It's like eating a bowl of East and West, you have to match his taste and he's delighted, but someone thought of it.

So seven business is very important. I'm lying to him, I'm telling you that the director is following the old people's seven businesses, what is it? Sacrifice is the world's first great and sacred business. He doesn't know, he tortures me. why Do you know this? I guess old people if their daily life is not pleasant, there are troubles in their hearts and minds, you know what? He hung out three ways before he died. If you can call him a happy evening, a joyful day, a happy day, a happy birthday when he is dying, or a human being. 

Wait after you send him to heaven with hell, what is the business of Shiites? Is God's business, not ordinary man's business. Where do you manage to do the business of helping some elderly people to be born as fast as possible? You are born in heaven, God you are not the enemy, you are the slave in the kingdom. Seven works is great, seven works is great, assist some people to not go astray, your own fruit will surely be ripe, birth. Seven businesses are hard to achieve in life. If you have seven, you should do well. Seven businesses are too great, and seven people understand. How to do it? That's really a middle-mongongong people's nose ring. The most important thing is the director of the nursing home. He can only do it if he wants to do it. He can do it if he can do it, and all of them are in the bottom. If you don't have to be arrogant, ask others to do it, if you can't do it, you can't get the effect, you must be arrogant yourself.

Wen Zheng Gyoong - Explanation Lecture on the Earth (Volume 3) 5/6/2011 Hong Kong's Palace of Education Name: 02-039-0399

20 July 2023

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