
Saturday 8 July 2023

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Every time I went to Wat Tham, I would see a photo of an elderly man wearing red robes at the cave. This would intrigue me as I wondered who he was. Eventually, I found out that he is none other than Luang Ta Lersi Aoi, who is a Bodhisatta and has taken up the position as the current Phaya Yommarat (King Yama). 

"Lersi Aoi is a Bodhistta, and will be enlightened as one of the Buddhas in the future. He has even more parami than Luang Ta [Ma]. He has already received a prophecy by a Buddha and will be taking up the appointment as Thao Phaya Yommarat (King Yama)."

~ Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo, Wat Tham Muang Na

Luang Ta Aoi Theprit Yam Daeng (Red Satchel), Wat Thung Setthi, Khon Kaen Province, a famous master with apinya (psychic powers), acknowledged by many such as the disciples of Luang Phor Lersi Lingdam and also Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo as a master of great power and parami. He is nicknamed "Red Satchel" because he always carries a red bag around with him. 

The reason why he is always dressed in red robes, is because the devas of the Jatu Maha Rajika (1st Heavenly) Realm usually wear red. This is true because I remember Chao Khun Keng telling a story of a cancer patient named Patricia whom he helped to treat, and when the devas came to take her, she mentioned that they were all wearing red. 

There was another story told by a boy who was saved by Luang Pu Doo, he said when the Officials of Death wanted to take him away, he was dressed in red too. But Luang Pu Doo intervened and stopped the Official from taking him. Maha Bodhisattas like LP Doo and Master Hsuan Hua are able to negotiate with King Yama and his Officials and save their disciples from being taken away. There has been several testimonials of this. 

Anyhow, red is also the official color of Phaya Yommarat, King Yama, as well as Tao Wessuwan, the King of the Northern Quarter and Lord of the Yakkhas. 

Long story short, Luang Ta Aoi was born into a wealthy family, graduated with a degree and went on to study medicine. He made a living in all kinds of occupations, and even got married and had 3 children. One day he saw a Phra standing outside his shop. He was busy arranging things and didn't have the requisites to offer to make merit, so he told the Phra to come again another day. So the Phra returned a following day, and Luang Ta Aoi had already prepared enough food to offer to him. 

The Phra told Luang Ta Aoi that his time has come, and he has to leave to study under him. Luang Ta was confused, he said that he had a family, and he had obligations, how could he leave his family to follow the Phra? The Phra just replied, "Well, when the time comes, you'll know for yourself," and then he walked off. Luang Ta looked up and he was shocked as the Phra just simply vanished. It was a long street and should have been a long walk, but the Phra just disappeared like that.

Ever since then, Luang Ta has been very hot and bothered. He kept thinking about the Phra and wondered whether the Phra would come back to see him, but he did not turn up the next morning. Suddenly one morning, many days after, the Phra appeared again and spoke to Luang Ta Aoi. The Phra told Luang Ta that he would be waiting for him at Ujchanee Cave, Prachuap Province, and told Luang Ta to find him when he was ready.

It took a while for Luang Ta to settle his affairs and take leave of his wife before going to practice at the cave. 

He saw many mystical visions and knowledge appear before his eyes, e.g. on how to treat all kinds of diseases etc. when he was in the cave. At first he was overwhelmed and did not know how to take all the information in. He spent countless days and months inside the cave, he did not even know how long he was inside for. As for food, rice, water, fruits, will magically be placed for him along the walls of the cave, as though the devas put it there for him. 

After he had mastered all that he needed to master, knowledge arose that his new name was Thep Rit Yam Daeng, and he had to continue practising the Dhamma, cultivating his mind and building up his parami to ensure the continued sustenance of the Buddha Dhamma and Sasana. And that his training was complete. 

So when Luang Ta Aoi left the cave, he went on tudong from Prachuap Province, past Phetchaburi and arrived at Mae Klong. Later, he met Phra Ajaan Wasukri and Sin Sae and they invited him to open a school here to help the people and also to propagate the Dhamma at the Mae Klong Samnak. Luang Ta Aoi also built a chedi at Wat Thung Setthi, Khon Kaen Province. 

So whenever we tamboon and do something good, and share the merit, we should call upon Luang Ta Aoi who is the current Phaya Yommarat as a witness, so that in the event that we get taken by his officials after our death, our merit will be recorded very clearly without dispute.

16 July 2022

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