
Saturday 8 July 2023

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Once a devotee asked Luang Ta…a person who has boon [merit]…what are his or her characteristics like? 

Instead of the conventional answer that we often think of, focusing on external attributes i.e. born to a rich or high status family, not needing to work hard for wealth, having good looks and complexion, Luang Ta gives his own take on the matter. 

“A person who has merit is someone who lives easily, eats well, sleeps well, and is always in a good mood. 

A person who has merit is someone who eats well, who isn’t fussy about their food. Doesn’t give problems to others regarding their meals. Food has become such a big issue in many people’s lives. 

But a person who has merit simply eats healthily, just to sustain their bodies, not out of greed or anything. 

People with merit are adaptable, not fussy about their living spaces. They can live anywhere. Whatever happens, they can adapt and endure difficult times. 

Nowadays, many people have difficulty sleeping. This includes practitioners who have meditated a lot as well. Because they are still stuck with their thoughts and keep thinking. 

A person with merit sleeps easily when his head touches the pillow and without disturbed sleep. They do not get caught up with endless thinking of this and that. 

Finally, a person with merit will have good mental states. Their thoughts will be positive and hearts full of compassion. They have a clear mind, full of kindness, at ease with the world. 

Now if we live simply, eat well, sleep well, have a good mood, life won’t be difficult or full of chaos. Because we live a life full of peace, comfort and ease.”

Luang Ta Ma Wiriyatharo

Wat Tham Muang Na, Chiang Mai

Admin: Despite his advanced age, Luang Ta spends hours travelling from one branch to another, all over Thailand. This is to give encouragement to all his devotees everywhere, and to spread merit to the lost souls stuck in different provinces. Yesterday, Tahn went to Sai Yok branch in Kanchanaburi Province.

Photo cr. สถานปฏิบัติธรรมพุทธพรหมปัญโญ ดู่ - ไทรโยค

18 July 2023

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