
Saturday 8 July 2023

I often get this question - “I meditate daily. I also dana (give) and maintain my sila (precepts). Why am I not seeing any results? Why is my life still bad?”

There could be many reasons for this. But today I would like to focus on one possibility, which is related to my former school’s motto. When I attended Anderson Junior College, the school motto in Latin was Non Mihi Solum - translated as “Not for Myself Alone”.

Luang Ta says that when we suat mon (chant) the Jakkapat, we must examine our own motivation for doing so. 

Are we chanting to gather energy to benefit ourselves only? Or are we dwelling in the Brahmaviharas of loving-kindness and compassion, chanting on behalf of all sentient beings? 

Luang Ta teaches that many people do not get the results they desire because they are chanting and meditating for themselves alone…instead of chanting with an immeasurable heart for the sake of all sentient beings. 

The chanting of the Jakkapat generates a lot of light and merit. This can be dedicated to all beings but is most beneficial to one class of sentient beings - the hungry ghosts and spirits stuck in a particular area. 

Only after receiving the merit from the Jakkakat and Bodhisattas, can they finally move on. 

Normal merit from tamboon is unable to reach them especially those who have committed heavy kamma such as suicide. 

Of course, not all will go on to better realms, this depends on their kamma. But at the very least, they will not be stuck anymore. And some of them may even be reborn as low-level tree gods or earth devas.

Luang Ta mentioned that these new divine beings will remember us in gratitude because we have helped them, and therefore when it is our turn to be in trouble, they will definitely step in to save us. 

Thus Luang Ta emphasised that the secret to better results from chanting and meditation is to do it Non Mihi Solum - Not for Myself Alone. 

In other words, we shouldn’t focus on thoughts that we will get rich and wealthy, become successful and everything will go well after chanting (even though that indeed will happen as a result of our merit).

And it isn’t the case that we can only chant for others and forget ourselves. But Luang Ta is suggesting that we chant both for others as well as ourselves. After all, we are all in the same boat - still stuck in Samsara.

Photo cr. แบงค์ หนวด

23 July 2023

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