
Wednesday 26 July 2023

Ajahn Jayasāro

:: Ajahn Jayasāro ::

In the Thai Forest Tradition, teachers tend to avoid using technical terms and try to teach the Dhamma in simple down-to-earth language. 

They sometimes adopt an everyday word or phrase to encapsulate a key teaching in a fresh way. They use it continually for a certain period, and when it becomes stale they find a new one.

In the last years of his teaching career, Ajahn Cha was very fond of the word ‘my nae’ (ไม่แน่). The literal meaning of this word is ‘not sure’. 

Applied to future events it might be rendered as ‘maybe/maybe not.’ 

Applied to present experience it points to the inherent instability of conditioned phenomena.

By emphasizing the unpredictability of all things, inner and outer, Ajahn Cha introduced a new perspective on the contemplation of impermanence, one that included reference to the other two universal characteristics. All things that arise pass away, and exactly how and when they do so is inherently unpredictable. It is ‘my nae’. There is no guiding deity in control of existence, only a vast, unimaginably complex web of causes and conditions. No constituent of that web can provide a sure refuge. The simple phrase ‘my nae’ includes wishing itself aniccā, dukkha and anattā.

~ Ajahn Jayasāro

1 August 2023

#AjahnJayasaro #YellowPagesTeaching 

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