
Friday 5 May 2023

Luang Ta Ma

Luang Ta Ma

Phra Khan according to legend is a sharp weapon similar to a divine sword, the weapon of the gods. It is also used in important rituals. The Phra Khan Jakkapat is thus the Universal Emperor’s Sword, which is one of his imperial treasures along with his Crown, Chakra Wheel etc.

The Phra Khan protects one against dangerous or evil energy, cutting off negative currents from the spirit world, and assists in guarding one against people who desire to harm them. This is because the energy emanating from the Phra Khan naturally clashes against negative energy.

People who uphold the precepts and chant regularly, who keep their minds in a good mood, the Phra Khan will assist them in adjusting the spiritual landscape, or it can be used to dip in water to consecrate holy water for use in necessary situations. It can also be kept in one’s upper pocket. 

Luang Ta Ma mentioned the properties of the Phra Khan in a Q&A session on December 28, 2558. Tahn commented that people can use the Phra Khan and bring benefits to the public, and not just keep it somewhere. 

Luang Ta emphasised that it is important to do useful things and focus on the practice. He said that there are many ways to use the Phra Khan, but the user must be ready and his mind must have energy when using this Phra Khan. In order to obtain a successful result, the user must establish his mind in the 4 Brahmaviharas (loving-kindness, compassion, mudita or equanimity). 

Importantly, Luang Ta reminded luksits that one must keep practising samadhi so that the mind will have energy when it is time to use the Phra Khan. Even though the normal powder amulets can be used also, there are certain qualities of the Phra Khan that make it stand out.

For example, the image of the Phra Khan is reminiscent of the Emperor’s Sword, Weapon of the Jakkapat. 

Hence it is fierce and powerful, similar to how the Universal Emperor uses his sword to defend and protect his subjects against all evil beings, which includes dark and black magic and evil arts of all kinds. 

The Phra Khan can also be used as a kaew sarapat neuk or wishing crystal, depending on you to adithan upon it. It can also bring out another of the Emperor’s Weapon, the Jakkapat Chakra Wheel. 

Furthermore, the Phra Khan’s energy can be sent out to far distances, such as up to the Brahma Worlds. 

However, this depends on the ability and samadhi of individual users.

23 May 2023

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