
Tuesday 30 May 2023

Luang Phor Khiao’s family worked as farmers, so Luang Phor would follow his parents regularly to the fields. During the rainy season in Ban Kham Khat, the flood waters would come down from Loei province. However, an adult could still wade carefully through the flooded fields with caution. 

His mother would carry a basket on her back and put his sister in the basket in front. Whereas Luang Phor would be riding on his father’s neck. One day, when they were about to pass Phon Yai (a termite mound), Luang Phor saw an elderly man dressed in white walking/floating across the flowing waters. 

Luang Phor asked his father who he was, but nobody else in his family could see the mysterious old man, only Luang Phor. So from that day when he went to the fields, he would look at the termite mound regularly. One day, when it was around dusk, he saw a multicolored glow like starlight floating from the mound. 

Staring at the light in surprise, Luang Phor had a vision of a Yakkha appear in front of him. The Yakkha told him that he was Thao Wessuwan, Ruler of the Yakkhas. Thao Wessuwan explained their past relationship in a former life. 

Since then, Luang Phor would go and pay respects to Thao Wessuwan at the mound regularly, and if he couldn’t go, he would pay respects to him at the field or at the head of his bed. Since then, Thao Wessuwan would take care of Luang Phor. 

Due to old kamma, Luang Phor is sort of a “representative” for Thao Wessuwan. Luang Phor told us that Thao Wessuwan actually plays a very important role in balancing the line between good and evil in this world.  I guess he is akin to a wrathful Dhamma protector. 

Luang Phor is able to connect with Thao Wessuwan who is at the edge of his conscious mind. Thao Wessuwan will assist Luang Phor with complex cases that are very difficult to resolve, such as appeasing kammic creditors and extending the lifespan of those with terminal illnesses. 

Therefore Luang Phor is also known to be able to perform chanting and prayers to appease kammic creditors. If the kammic creditors are appeased, it is possible that miracles may occur. 

One of the cases Luang Phor successfully managed to negotiate for was a 5 year extension of life for a woman who was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The woman wanted to continue to take care of her children until they grew up and were able to survive themselves, and begged Luang Phor to help her. 

So even though Luang Phor doesn’t really smile, he exhibits a calm demeanour and actually has a lot of compassion for everyone. Luang Phor says he tries his best to help those who come to him for assistance, even if they do not have any money, Luang Phor will do everything for them for free. 

Luang Phor personally gave us some amulets, but I am thinking of letting go of them and returning the majority of the proceeds back to Luang Phor. Also would like to specifically anumodana with Sister Pure Metta offering of 2000 THB to Luang Phor. If interested, do kindly contact me thank you.

3 June 2023

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