
Wednesday 31 May 2023

Luang Pu Toh Intasuwanno

Luang Pu Toh Intasuwanno

If you become a vegetarian

But still tell lies, gossip, 

Instigate, abuse or complain

This is called pure stomach 

But unclean mouth

The heart isn’t pure

Therefore purifying the stomach

One must also purify the heart

As well as the mouth

Keep this in mind

Luang Pu Toh Intasuwanno

Wat Pradoochimplee, Bangkok

Admin: I’ve wrote about Luang Pu Toh’s story before. Luang Pu Toh had strong affinity with Chao Mae Kwan Yin and Chinese people. 

In the past, Guan Yin would send the 8 Immortals to speak with Luang Pu Toh to convince him to take her as his teacher but he would refuse, citing that he was a Thai monk who only followed the Lord Buddha. 

Until Guan Yin herself appeared and spoke with Luang Pu Toh, who was so awestruck by her strong radiance until he accidentally agreed. 

Still, he was a reluctant disciple and would not go vegetarian. Therefore every year during the Vegetarian Festival, he would fall sick for some strange reason. Until one year he gave up and switched to a vegetarian diet during the festival, and his symptoms never appeared again. 

Towards the end of his life, Luang Pu Toh converted to vegetarianism permanently after his pilgrimage trip to Bodh Gaya in India. 

If you visit Wat Pradoochimplee today, you will notice Guan Yin’s statue right beside Luang Pu Toh’s in the main hall, which is an indication of their close teacher-disciple relationship.

4 June 2023

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