
Tuesday 2 May 2023

Disciple: Is Phra Mae Thorani real? Is she a tewada or Ariya (Noble One)?

Disciple: Is Phra Mae Thorani real? Is she a tewada or Ariya (Noble One)? 

[Admin: When the Buddha was sitting under the Bodhi tree, Mara, his daughters, and army tried to stop the Buddha from attaining enlightenment. The Buddha touched the Earth and summoned Mae Thorani. 

Mother Earth is depicted as a woman wringing the waters of merit from her hair to wash Mara and his army away, protecting the Buddha so he could attain Nibbana successfully]

Phra Ajaan Lek: Mae Thorani is an appointment established by human beings. So the tewadas will have to discuss and assign the divine being with the closest affinity and power to take up this position and rank. 

As Phra Mae Thorani is related to the Earth and Nature, most of these divine beings will be from the Catumaharajika heavens. 

These beings cannot be considered to be Phra Ariya. They are mostly guardian spirits whose duty is to support human beings as well as animals and manage the elements of nature. Their heart and spirit is like that of the Brahmas (loving-kindness, compassion etc.) I am unable to prophesize much in detail, what I can see is only this much. 

Disciple: How should I puja Phra Mae Thorani?

Ajaan Lek: You may regard her as a tewada who is full of merit and goodness. If you need help, you can call on Mae to assist you. 

Luang Phor Lek Suthamapanyo

Wat Tha Kha Nun, Kachanaburi Province

14 May 2023

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