
Monday 23 May 2022

“The goal of Dhamma practice is to let go.”

The Teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

11 September 2023

“The goal of Dhamma practice is to let go.”

"The goal of Dhamma practice is to let go. To set your mind free from stress. 

Your mind creates stress by interfering with other people and things. You want to change them. But you don't know that you can't really control or change them. Because they are Anattā: According to the Lord Buddha, “Sabbe Dhammā Anattā.” All phenomena including humans are natural processes, they are without a self. You can't order them to be like this or like that. If you want unceasing happiness in your heart, you will have to let go of all things in this world. If you don't, they will make you suffer.

What makes you suffer? Everything in this world, including your physical body, does. 

Your body is a heap of suffering, so are your spouse's, your children's and your grandchildren's, as well as your possessions, and all the visual objects, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. You are living unknowingly with these hoards of suffering. 

Without the teaching of the Lord Buddha, you would never know this truth.

You would forever be stuck with these masses of suffering. After death, you will be reborn and repeat this cycle of suffering again. But if you study Buddhism and take up the Dhamma practice, you will have peace and happiness. 

You will see that your suffering is the result of your clinging to things. You will then use sati (mindfulness), samādhi (concentration), and paññā (wisdom) to let go of your clinging. You will let go of what you like and what you dislike. When you have let go of everything, you will then have accomplished your mission. “Vusitaṁ Brahma Cariyaṁ”."

“My Way”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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