
Monday 30 May 2022

Dhamma talk for the monks at Wat Pa Barn Tard - Venerable Ācariya Mahā Boowa Ñānasampanno

Dhamma talk for the monks at Wat Pa Barn Tard - Venerable Ācariya Mahā Boowa Ñānasampanno

When the world is in a state of anarchy, everybody, whether smart or stupid, literate or illiterate, wealthy or poor, finds happiness from material objects. No matter how much or how little they have, it never lives to their expectations. That’s why there’s sorrow everywhere you go inside the hearts of every kind of people, no matter the gender, age, or status, because the mind goes beyond reasoning, never suspecting that it became a doormat for material values to step on all this time, and it will remain like that unless a realization is made now.

If the world remains attentive only to the material objects and not to religion or moral as well, the world will come to its end. The world’s end is the world’s damnation which roots from men’s greed and wrath which harm themselves and others until nothing remains.

Venerable Ācariya Mahā Boowa Ñānasampanno

Dhamma talk for the monks at Wat Pa Barn Tard

On January 8th 1979

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