
Thursday 10 March 2022

Luang Phor Jaran Thitathammo

Around the year 2539, Mae Chee Su Ngo, a Singaporean disciple of Luang Phor Jaran Thitathammo, invited Luang Phor to Singapore to meet her parents, relatives and friends. They brought him to different places for sight-seeing, and in one of the places, there was a majestic Guan Yin statue. The place was decorated very beautifully.

Suddenly, Luang Phor Jaran instructed his disciple to take out all the ang baos (red packets or envelopes) in his monk satchel containing money, and to donate it to the donation box beside the Guan Yin statue. He also told the other disciples to make merit along with him, saying “Tamboon laew then adithan…you can ask for the things you desire the most in your life now!”

Everyone was puzzled by Luang Phor Jaran’s sudden change in behaviour, but having deep respect for their master, they just did as they were told. So they all hurriedly took money and put it into the donation box. After making merit and returning to the house where he was staying, Luang Phor Jaran told them what he had seen.

Luang Phor mentioned that as he was standing there and contemplating the Guan Yin statue, he saw a female deva manifest by floating out of the Guan Yin statue. This divine being was dressed in intricate and beautiful Chinese clothes, and paid respect to Luang Phor smiling.

Luang Phor Jaran set his mind to “perceiving”, and knew immediately that this was a high level deva with a lot of merit and parami, especially that of sacca parami. This deva had always been practising “Right Speech”, unlike us normal humans who talk a lot of nonsense. This deva had accepted an order from Chao Mae Guan Yin to help human beings, and wanted to give a blessing to Luang Phor Jaran and his disciples.

But Luang Phor Jaran also knew that only those who had made merit will be able to get good blessings in return, so he quickly tambooned to set a good example for his disciples to follow, and then they will be able to get enough merit so that the deva’s blessing could come true. And it would also bring auspicious power which will follow the disciples for the rest of their lives.


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