
Thursday 3 March 2022

2021年11月19日丨阿贊耀 茶邊法談 Teaside Discourse with Ajahn Yiu

2021年11月19日丨阿贊耀 茶邊法談
Teaside Discourse with Ajahn Yiu

19 Nov 2021



Why did many people at the time of the Buddha become enlightened or attained the fruits quickly afterwards when they heard the Dhamma? This is because they cherished every sentence they had heard, and strived to put it into practice persistently, to penetrate the reality of body and mind. 


However, in these days it is too easy for us to acquire knowledge of the Dhamma online, which makes it less cherishable. Hence it is more difficult for us to become enlightened than the ancient people, as the ancient people had always utilized the Dhamma and contemplated the Dhamma.



In fact, the traditional Thai forest tradition has no word for "Vipassana". What they use is "พิจารณา", which means contemplation. This is more in line with the Buddha's teaching in the early scriptures. 


In the early scriptures, the Buddha did not teach us to cultivate something called Vipassana, but the Buddha did teach us to cultivate the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna). Both Samatha and Vipassana are included in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. All purposes of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness are leading towards the acquiring of wisdom and the liberation of the mind.



The Four Foundations of Mindfulness pervades our lives, and not only exist during meditation. As such it is a kind of daily life meditation. All of our postures are included — the Four Ways of Dignified Comportment (Iriyāpatha). All the details of daily life are covered by the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. The practice of cultivating the Four Foundations of Mindfulness exclusively in sitting meditation and walking meditation are actually established forms developed in later generations to calm down the five hindrances.



Nevertheless, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness is not only about sitting meditation or walking meditation, but throughout our daily life. The core of right mindfulness is a clear mind living in the present moment. Only this kind of mind can go along with right view. We need to contemplate accordingly — keep contemplating about suffering, impermanence and non-self, and only doing this will then generate wisdom.


This kind of thinking is not scholarly thinking or academic research — using concepts of past or future and symbols of intellectual process. That is because the contemplation of the Dhamma must be verified against the experience in the present moment, so it is necessary to have right mindfulness. A clear mind with the ability to be aware of the present moment is essential to verify suffering, impermanence and non-self. Only in this way can wisdom be acquired.

#AjahnYiu #耀師父 #耀師傅 #阿贊耀 #KhantikoBhikkhu #Dhamma #meditation #mindfulness #awareness #samadhi #vipassana #buddha #theravada #wisdom #panna #SubtaweeDhammaramMonastery

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