
Thursday 17 March 2022

“Activities we did in our past lives become part of our characters.”

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

21st March, 2022

“Activities we did in our past lives become part of our characters.”

Question:  “What is the cause for people to have different characters & behaviours?”

Than Ajahn:  “Our daily activities – the activities we do every day. The more we do something, the more we become proficient at it. Activities we did in our past lives become part of our characters. But we can change our characters. If we think a certain behaviour is not good, we can stop it. Like if you think smoking cigarettes is bad, drinking is bad, you can try to stop it. Once you stop it, this habit will disappear from your character. If you think being funny is bad, it doesn’t make you respectable, then you stop being funny and eventually you will not be funny, you will be serious. This is what we call kamma: what you do will be the one that build up your character.”

Question:  “What should we do to become smart?”

Than Ajahn:  “Learn a lot, study a lot, listen to Dhamma talks, read Dhamma books and meditate. Contemplate on the body. 

Contemplate on aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, anattā – the nature of things. You will then become smart, not worldly smart, but Dhamma smart, which is more important than worldly smart.”

Q&A, Jun 30, 2016

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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