
Saturday 8 January 2022

Sharing by LP Doo

Today Admin would like to explain the practice of Nirodha Kammathan – entering a meditative state in which one does not eat, sleep, urinate or defecate, which was first established by Kruba Srivichai and now practiced by many of the modern Krubas in Northern Thailand. Do note that one should not confuse Nirodha Kamma with Nirodha Samapatti, the latter which only very highly attained beings with complete mastery of the jhanas can enter. 

Nirodha Kamma is traced to a piece of mulberry bark paper, supposedly written by Kruba Srivichai who initiated this practice to test one’s own discipline and meditation. 

Monks who practice it are usually northern Krubas, such as Kruba Noi, Kruba Ariyachart, Kruba Norkaewfa, Kruba Chaiya etc. I think their names should be familiar to many Singaporeans and Malaysians, as well as people from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China as they have many overseas Chinese devotees, and their amulets are widely marketed targeting the Chinese. 

When Kruba Noi practices Nirodha Kammathan, which he said he will do every year until he reaches the age of 70 (this year, so not sure if he is going to continue) – he only drinks water from one big silver alms bowl. 

The water must be collected from different saksit holy sites, consecrated and filtered through 7 layers of phayants. 

During the 3 days, Kruba Noi will only practice walking and sitting meditation and do nothing else. Kruba Noi first started practising this in 1994, when his master Kruba Phad was seriously ill and about to die. 

Kruba Noi decided to practice the Nirodha Kammathana in order to save Kruba Phad’s life, and miraculously, Kruba Phad recovered in a couple of days. 

Another master who is famous for practising Nirodha Kammathana, is Kruba Ariyachart. 

Kruba Ariyachart does not do this as often as Kruba Noi, so when he does this, the temple kammakan will go into overdrive and start advertising this miraculous event. There will be a bamboo hut built for Kruba Ariyachart with a big hole at the bottom. Kruba Ariyachart will sit in this hole. He will only drink water from an alms bowl, like Kruba Noi. 

But his practice goes further, as he will not even stand up or practice walking meditation. 

And just like Kruba Noi, Kruba Ariyachart will not eat, urinate or defecate at all. The first time he practiced this, he was only a novice monk. 

He conducted his first Nirodha Kammathana practice in a cave in Nan province. Generally, Kruba Ariyachart will enter Nirodha Kammathana for a longer period of time as well, sometimes lasting a week. 

Standing opposed to the thousands of devotees, are some critics who argue that these are publicity stunts to promote the parami of the Krubas and attract more believers and devotees. 

Because these are highly publicised events and usually held in line with large donation drives, ceremonies and amulets. Hence, critics argue they are marketed as a way of identifying who are the “real” Krubas in Thailand. 

Many devotees rush to make offerings to Krubas who come out of Nirodha Kammathana because they believe that at that moment, if they make any offerings, the merit will be multiplied many times and be able to be reborn in heaven and reach Nibbana. 

Whatever the case, I (admin) hope to be able to travel to Thailand again at the end of this year to be able to meet good ajaans. I am sure that there are many well-practiced geiji ajaans around but who are living their own low-profile lives, perhaps in remote temples or caves. 

When I do find a master worthy of veneration who is willing to act as the spiritual advisor of this page and group, I will certainly let all devotees and followers know. 

May all Dhamma friends stay safe during these troubled time.


Having covered Nirodha Kammathan, now I shall talk about Nirodha Samapatti. This is a state of suspended animation which only high level meditators, such as Anagamis and Arahants who have attained mastery over the 8 jhanas, can enter into. In this state, breathing and heart beat stops, in addition to mental activity. So from a normal person's point of view, the meditator may appear to be dead. 

However, one should not disturb his or her body as the meditator will regain consciousness upon leaving this state. 

Masters who are known to enter into Nirodha Samapatti include Luang Pu Chah, who despite being paralysed and unable to speak in his later years, will stop breathing for long periods of time, yet his blood remains oxygenated and he remains alive. 

Another great Ajaan who is able to enter into Nirodha Samapatti is Khun Mae Boon Ruean. 

On the 20th of September 2496, Khun Mae Boon Ruean entered into Nirodha Samapatti at Baan Samakkhi Wisutti, Wisut Kasat Road, Bang Khun Phrom, Bangkok. Many people and disciples were there to witness this event. 

When Khun Mae entered into samadhi, she did not move a slightest bit at all, whether to eat or to go to the toilet. Khun Mae also told the people there that she would make an adithana. 

There was a mango tree nearby. By the power of entering into Nirodha Samapatti, Khun Mae made the mango tree produce and grow out a cluster of mango flowers over a single night. 

This was recorded and documented by the people and neighbours present. Everyone there could testify and they were amazed.

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