
Saturday 15 January 2022

Golden Moments

Golden Moments

Venerable Webu Sayadaw and Sayagyi U Ba Khin meet for the first time.

The door to the hut opened and the Sawadaw emerged, proceeded by a cloud of mosquitoes.

Keeping his attention in the body with awareness of annica, Sayagyi paid respects to Sayadaw.

“What is your aspiration, layman?” Webu Sayadaw asked Sayagyi.

“My aspiration is to attain nibbāna, sir,” U Ba Khin replied.

“Nibbāna? How are you going to attain nibbāna?”

“Through meditation and by knowing anicca, sir” said Sayagyi.

“Where did you learn to be aware of this anicca?”

Sayagyi explained how he had studied Vipassana meditation under Sayadaw Thetgyi.

“You have been practicing Vipassana?”

“Yes, sir, I am practising Vipassana.”

“What sort of Vipassana?” Webu Sayadaw questioned him closely and Sayagyi gave the details. 

The Sayadaw was very pleased.

He said, “I have been meditating in this jungle for years in order to experience such stages of Vipassana as you describe.” 

He seemed astonished to encounter a householder who had reached advanced proficiency in the practice without being a monk.

[SUBK Journal]

#buddha #dhamma #sangha #vipassana #ledisayadaw #uthetgyi #webusayadaw #ubakhin #sngoenka 


Words of Dhamma

Te jhāyino sātatikā, niccaṃ daḷhaparakkamā,

phusanti dhīrā nibbānaṃ, yogakkhemaṃ anuttaraṃ.

The wise ones, ever meditative and steadfastly persevering,

alone experience Nibbana, the incomparable freedom from bondage.

Dhammapada 2.23

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