
Monday 24 January 2022

Benefits of Chanting Itipiso

Benefits of Chanting Itipiso 

Beginning in 1969, I accumulated one hundred thousand recitations of the Buddhanusati, Dhammanusati and Sanghanusatti verses. 

During the terror attacks of 1971, I accumulated two hundred thousand times of the Dhammapada verse “Sabba-papassa akaranam, kusalassaupasampada, sa-cittapariyodapanam--etam Buddhana-sasanam.” (Abstain from all unwholesome deeds, perform wholesome ones, purify your own mind, this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”) 

Regarding the “Itipiso” verse, I completed one million recitations by January 10, 1973. At that point in time, Venerable Baddhiye Mahathera advised me to recite the Ratanna Sutta one hundred thousand times. 

After listening to his advice, I completed 137 recitations of the Ratanna sutta in a single day. 

That night, a deva appeared in my dream, saying” Venerable Sir, please continue treading this path. Venerable Sir, by this very path, you will be able to reach your destination without any obstacles.”

The next morning, I informed Venerable Baddhiye Mahathera of the dream. After he had granted me permission, I continued to accumulate the “Itipiso” verse once again. By 10 September 1975, I had completed four million recitations. That night, just prior to sunrise,  I had a dream of a Brahma adorned in white clothes who came to the monastery I was in. A group of people brought a sick person who had been possessed by another sentient being to me. 

The Brahma King advised me, “Venerable Sir, by recollecting the Itipiso verse, you can cure his illness easily.” I took his advice and remained in silence. The Brahma King then asked, “Venerable Sir, do you know when your adhitthana will be fulfilled.” 

When I replied that I did not know, the Brahma King replied “1800” and then vanished into thin air. I had awoken from my dream, and hence did not have any time to ponder or question the details.

I continued reciting the “Itipiso” verse. After quite some time, I finished accumulating another lakh (one hundred thousand) recitations. There were auspicious dreams once again near to sunrise.

By February 20 2002, I had accumulated 73.5 million recitations of Itipiso verse. I will continue reciting this verse, because all the meditation techniques came from the Omniscient Buddha himself. One who recollects the virtues of the Buddha, will definitely be able to develop a suitable and correct Kammantha. He will gain power and receive protection, and will never be lost.

In 1970, I was giving an Abhidhamma lecture to a group of students. A miracle happened, which was related to my practice of Buddhanusati. As you all might know, the Abhidhamma was taught by Lord Buddha in the thirty three deva realms. The amount of time that the Buddha taught the Abhidhamma (as calculated by the time on Earth) was three months. I asked my ordained disciples, “How long was this in the deva realm?”

As you all might know, one day in the Deva realm is one hundred years on Earth. However, I had never pondered on this question before. 

My students were unable to answer this question too. As their teacher, I had to give them an answer. So I closed my eyes and started recollecting the “Itipiso” verse. 

Instantly, the answer appeared in my mind, it was nine minutes. My students took the answer and went to do the calculations. It was correct. 

By that time, I had already recited the “Itipiso” verse many, many times.

Cr. Ted, translated from the writings of the Most Venerable Nauyane Ariyadhamma Mahathera

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