
Thursday 6 January 2022

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

23rd April, 2022

Question:  I have heard that practitioners should discuss 10 things when they come together. 

Would Tan Ajahn please briefly describe these factors? Thank you. 

Than Ajahn:  The 10 subjects of conversation that practitioners should use to discuss with each other are:

1. Wanting little. To be happy with as little as possible in terms of the 4 requisites of living. We don’t want more material things than what we need. Don’t talk about getting gifts, getting money, getting plenty of jewelry. Only talk about being happy with as little as possible physically. 

Having simplicity in life. Have just enough to survive, like food, clothing, housing and medicine. This is called มักน้อย (mák nói) in Thai.  

2. To be happy with what you get, with what you have. Don’t be greedy, don’t be wishful of getting things for yourself. Just be content with whatever you can get. This is called สันโดษ (săn-dòht) in Thai or ‘santoṣā’ in Pali. Whether you get more or less, just be happy. Don’t be greedy, then you won’t be disappointed or sad. 

3. The third one is to talk about viriya or exertion in your practice. Talk about how much you practice. How many hours you walk, how many hours you sit for instance. This is talking about exertion.

4. Number four is to talk about seclusion. Talk about places where you can have seclusion. Like going to the forest or going to the cemetery. 

Going to the place that is nice and quiet to do the practice. This is talking about seclusion.

5. Number 5 is talking about not socializing, not congregating, not mingling. Try to discourage mingling, try to be alone as much as possible because this is the best way to do the practice. 

To discourage socializing. 

When people approach you and they want to talk to you with no purpose other than wanting to talk then you should discourage them. You should say that it’s better for them to be alone, to do their practice. If you mingle it can take away your precious time and also cause agitation and restlessness in your mind. 

This is talking about not socializing.

6. Number six is to talk about keeping the precepts, the sila or morality. How much morality you have. How much you have practiced, such as the 5, 8, 10 or 227 precepts. This is talking about the precepts.

7. Next you talk about the practice of samadhi, how much samadhi you have gained. How long can you sit, how deep is your mind in samadhi for instance.

8. Next you talk about the development of wisdom. How to see the four noble truths, how to see the 3 characteristics of existence. How to see asubha for instance. How to develop them in order to get rid of your defilements.

9. Then you talk about vimutti or the cessation of suffering or the liberation from suffering.

10. Then the last one you talk about is ‘vimutti-ñāṇadasana’. Which means the realization that you have acquired vimutti. That you have liberated yourself from suffering. Or talk about the different levels of attainment. 

That’s what vimuti or liberation is about.

So these are the 10 subjects of conversation a practitioner should focus on. Not talking about family matters or politics or business. Not talking about money matters or holiday places to go for instance.

“Dhamma in English, Dec 26, 2021.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

YouTube:  Dhamma in English.

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