
Saturday 7 November 2020

Today, the 22nd day of the ninth lunar month is observed as the day when Buddha descended from the Trayastrimsa (God’s Heaven called Thirty-Three).

Today, the 22nd day of the ninth lunar month is observed as the day when Buddha descended from the Trayastrimsa (God’s Heaven called Thirty-Three). 

Since this day is blessed with one of the great eight deeds of Buddha Shakyamuni, the effects of our positive or negative actions are said to be multiplied ten million times.

Buddha Shakyamuni at the age of 41 went to Trayastrimsa (Lhayul Sumcho Tsasum/God’s Heaven called Thirty-Three) to teach and liberate his mother Maya Devi (who died seven days after giving birth to him) from samsara as a way of repaying her kindness and also to benefit the other gods of that heaven. 

Buddha spent there teaching dharma for about ninety days when one of his foremost disciples, Maudgalyayana pleaded him to return to human realm since humans cannot get to the heaven to see Buddha whilst the gods from there can get to earth due to their celestial power. So Buddha agreed on the night of the full moon, to return to earth after seven days. Lord Indra,the ruler of the heaven upon hearing this, instructed Vishwakarma, the god of machine to build a triple ladder made of beryl, gold and silver for the purpose of Buddha’s descent from the heaven to earth.

Buddha descended down auspiciously with glory along the central ladder while he was accompanied on both sides by most powerful gods carrying exquisitely decorated parasols to honour him with full respect and devotion. Buddha descended to earth by the summit of Mount Meru down to the Udumbara tree outside the city of Sankissa in modern day Uttar Pradesh of India (one of the sacred Buddhist pilgrimage sites) This event is considered to be one of the eight great deeds of the Buddha Shakyamuni.

So, let us use this opportunity to accumulate as much virtuous deeds as we could through our body, speech and mind. Let us try not to engage in any non virtuous actions. Let us read, contemplate and meditate on Buddha’s teachings. Let us deeply reflect into our own lives with the wisdom gained from his teachings and see clearly our true purpose. Let us celebrate Buddha Shakyamuni’s special day by reflecting on his greatest deeds and think about the significance of his coming to our world.

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