
Sunday 29 November 2020

“The one who will accept the result of your good or bad deeds is yourself.”

“The one who will accept the result of your good or bad deeds is yourself.”

Question from Singapore:  “When we are doing the right things but being accused for wrong doings, how shall we handle the situation?  Shall we accept it and prevent anger arises?”

Than Ajahn:  “Yes, you should not be angry at people’s accusation. You should never get angry regardless of what happens. You should always be logical and rational. You deal situation in a rational way. If somebody accuses you of doing something you didn’t do, if you can prove that you didn’t do it, then prove it. If you cannot prove it, as long as you know that you didn’t do anything wrong, then just remain calm because there is nothing you can do about it.

Accept that this part of life. Some people will believe you. Some people won’t believe you. But the one who will accept the result of your good or bad deeds is yourself. This is all you have to know. You wouldn’t care what other people think or what other people say.”

Question“Does renunciation in daily life mean there is no right or wrong, ‘yes or no’?”

Than Ajahn:  “No, right or wrong is always there.

Renunciation means stop seeking happiness from the body; stop looking for happiness through your eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body.

Find happiness through meditation. Right and wrong are still there but you don’t have to get involved with them.”

“Dhamma in English, Q&A session, Aug 15, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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