
Thursday 12 November 2020

THE FIRST Thing by Ajahn Jayasaro

THE FIRST Thing by Ajahn Jayasaro

"What is the first thing I ask my mother when I phone her?"

Since my father passed away, my mother has lived alone.  

These days, I call my mother very often. One day she had a big sigh and said "I don't know what I have to live for! I live from day to day. I am not capable to go anywhere. I am a burden of others." Her shaking voice was very pitiful!.

So I told her that from now on please do one good thing a day, anything, it does not have to be big, it can be little thing, but it must be the thing that will make her feel delighted.

From the question that my mom asked "What does she have to live for?" My answer is that we live just to do wholesome deeds. Any day that we conduct any good deeds, that day is an auspicious day. Virtues bring about a meaningful and happy life.

Now when I call home, first thing that I have to ask my mom is that if she has done one good deed today? If she has, I admire her, praise her, and encourage her (anumodana) of her good deed and it makes her happy.

To have gratitude towards parents does not mean that one only takes care or look after them alone. But one should introduce them to do wholesome deeds and anumodana them. This helps nurture a state of mind of an elder to be well and healthy.

- Ajahn Jayasaro

::::Dhamma in Daily Life::::


{II,iv,2} "I tell you, monks, there are two people who are not easy to repay. Which two? Your mother & father. Even if you were to carry your mother on one shoulder & your father on the other shoulder for 100 years, and were to look after them by anointing, massaging, bathing, & rubbing their limbs, and they were to defecate & urinate right there [on your shoulders], you would not in that way pay or repay your parents. If you were to establish your mother & father in absolute sovereignty over this great earth, abounding in the seven treasures, you would not in that way pay or repay your parents. Why is that? Mother & father do much for their children. They care for them, they nourish them, they introduce them to this world. But anyone who rouses his unbelieving mother & father, settles & establishes them in conviction; rouses his unvirtuous mother & father, settles & establishes them in virtue; rouses his stingy mother & father, settles & establishes them in generosity; rouses his foolish mother & father, settles & establishes them in discernment: To this extent one pays & repays one's mother & father."

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