
Wednesday 16 September 2020

“The purpose of watching the mind, the feelings and the body is to let go of them.”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

10 April 2023

“The purpose of watching the mind, the feelings and the body is to let go of them.”

Upāsikā“What is cittānupassanā as some teachers said that one has to watch the mind while he/she is working?”

Than Ajahn:  “It’s the final level of practice. The mind is being attached or addicted to 3 basic things: the body, the feelings, and the emotions. 

Cittānupassanā’ is watching the emotions. 

Vedanānupassanā’ is watching the feelings. 

Kāyānupassanā’ is watching the body. 

You teach the mind to see that all these 3 things are impermanent. They change. They come and go. They are not under your control. You become sad if you want to control them but you’re unable to do so. If you don’t want to be sad or suffer, then you’ll have to leave them alone. 

The purpose of watching the mind, the feelings and the body is to let go of them. Don’t try to manage them. In life, we always try to manage these 3 things. We want to keep the body well and strong. We want to have good feelings all the time. We want our mind to be stable, peaceful and happy. But they don’t perform as we want them to be. They change because the conditions around them change. So, sometimes they are good and sometimes they are bad. 

However, the mind doesn’t have to be afflicted by the changes. If the mind understands that impermanence is their nature, and the mind just let them be, then the mind is liberated. The mind will no longer be affected by whatever happens to the body, the feelings or the emotions.”

“Dhamma in English, May 8-12, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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