
Sunday 13 September 2020

Important of the last minute by Ven. Ashin Janakabhivamsa

Important of the last minute by Ven. Ashin Janakabhivamsa

Prophetic Death Bed visions or
How Gati Nimitta Arammana Appears

At the proximate time of death, prophetic signs appear to indicate one's next life. If you are going to be reborn a Deva, you will see Devas, celestial mansions, beautiful gardens, etc. if hell is your destiny, then you see black dogs, hellfire, or hell demons.

Those who will becomes petas (hungry ghosts) will see forests and mountains and streams where they will dwell.


The facial _expression of a dying person indicates his next rebirth. If his face is clear, cheerful he is sure to be reborn in higher abodes. A gloomy, sorrowful or stern face indicates rebirth in lower realms.


Sometimes a dying person mutters or murmurs indistinct words unconsciously. Once upon a time an old hunter, the father of the Arahat Sona, was ordained a monk after thirty years of hunting life. When he was about to die he saw black dogs charging at him in his death-visions. He repeatedly cries, "O son! Drive away the dogs."

The Arahat Sona knew his father was seeing bad nimitta and would be reborn in hell.

So he took his dying father to the pagoda platform and laid him on a bed of flowers. He then said, "On your behalf, I have offered flowers to the Buddha. Father, pay homage to the Enlightened One!" So his father clapsed his hands in worship and paid respects. At that time celestial damsels came into his death-visions and he muttered, "I see your aunts (step mothers) coming.

Please give them seats," before he died. The Arahat Sona knew his father would be reborn a Deva. "

Full article by Ashin Janakabhivamsa here.

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