
Saturday 5 September 2020

A sharing on dedication of merits and Loving-Kindness to the dead ....

A sharing on dedication of merits and Loving-Kindness to the dead  .....


Bhante, last month my mother died. I very often transfer my merit to my late mother. I often make dana dedicating her. 

Now I have a question “Can I meditate on loving-kindness for my mother? Will my loving-kindness be received by my mother wherever she has been reborn now?”

With Metta,


Sorry to hear your mother’s death. Your kindness to your mother is very much appreciated. Transfering merit to his/her late parents is a duty of good Buddhists. 

According to Buddhaghosa Thera, the author of Visuddhimagga-atthakatha (Brahmaviharaniddeso, Vol. 1), one should never radiate his/her loving-kindness to those who have already died. That is why you are suggested to do meritorious deeds dedicating your late mother and share your merit with her.

With Metta,

Ashin Acara

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