
Monday 21 September 2020

Teaching of Ajahn Chah

Teaching of Ajahn Chah

Fostering the practice of Buddhism can be likened to a tree. A tree has roots, a trunk, branches and leaves. Every single leaf and branch, including the trunk, depend on the roots to absorb nutriment and send it up to them. A tree is dependent on the roots for sustenance. We are the same. 

Our actions and our speech are like the trunk, branches, and twigs. The mind is like the root which absorbs nutriment and sends it out to sustain them which in turn bear fruit. 

Whatever state the mind is in, be it based in wrong view or right view, it expresses that wrong view or right view outwardly through our actions and speech. 

So nurturing Buddhism through the practical application of the Teachings is very important.

~ Ajahn Chah

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