
Monday 28 September 2020



About the tools or aids to meditation practice – there should be mettā (goodwill) in your heart; in other words, the qualities of generosity, kindness and helpfulness. 

These should be maintained as the foundation for mental purity. For example, begin doing away with lobha (greed), or selfishness, by giving. When people are selfish they aren’t happy. 

Selfishness leads to a sense of discontent, and yet people tend to be very selfish without realizing how it affects them.

You can experience this at any time, especially when you are hungry. Suppose you get some apples and you have the opportunity to share them with a friend; you think it over for a while, and, sure, the intention to give is there all right, but you want to give the smaller one. To give the big one would be … well, such a shame. It’s hard to think straight. You tell them to go ahead and take one, but then you say, ‘Take this one!’ and give them the smaller apple! 

This is one form of selfishness that people usually don’t notice. Have you ever been like this?

You really have to go against the grain to give. Even though you may really only want to give the smaller apple, you must force yourself to give away the bigger one. Of course, once you have given it to your friend, you feel good inside. Training the mind by going against the grain in this way requires self-discipline – you must know how to give and how to give up, not allowing selfishness to stick. 

Once you learn how to give, if you are still hesitating over which fruit to give, then while you are deliberating you will be troubled, and even if you give the bigger one, there will still be a sense of reluctance. 

But as soon as you firmly decide to give the bigger one, the matter is over and done with. This is going against the grain in the right way.

~ Ajahn Chah

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