
Tuesday 26 April 2022

"With the merit of Mae Chee Kaew, even a god (deva) requested to be born in her womb"

 "With the merit of Mae Chee Kaew, even a god (deva) requested to be born in her womb"

Who is the monk next to Mae Chee Kaew? How did the Western world learn of Mae Chee Kaew's story? 

The answer to the two questions is none other than the renowned Geiji Ajaan Luang Phor Inthawai, an important disciple of the lineage of the great Luang Ta Maha Bua. 

For Buddhists, we know that the gods, even though they are radiant and resplendent, are not immortal and will die one day. It may interest you to know that not all devas are Buddhists, but it is true that there are a large proportion of devout Buddhist devas. This is the story of one such deva. 

Before the deva was to die, he was ready to look for a good family for himself to be reborn to, so that he may continue to practice Buddhism. As the Buddhist devas tended to move together as a group, their luminous aura caused the Phu Kao area to light up very brightly. They were led by the Leader of the Devas in the Heaven of Thirty Three, Phra Indra Devaraj. However, they were only perceptible by those who had the Divine Eye, so only Mae Chee Kaew and Mae Daeng (Mae Chee Ma Ngae Piw Kam) were aware of their presence.    

The deva spoke to them and said, "I would like to be born as a son of Khun Mae Chee." Mae Chee replied that "Mae Chee bùat láew" (ordained already), and that if you really want, you should enter the womb of a farmer woman that I know of, and you can be ordained as a monk when you grow up. This couple is not a rich couple, but are farmers, but can afford to send you to school to learn to read and write. 

And it is good to be born to them, because if you are born to them now, you will be one of the middle children. The people in this area love the first, and the last child the most, and they wont be too upset if you were to go forth in the yellow robe. They are also a good Buddhist family with right views."

The deva replied, "How can you guarantee that I will ordain as a monk when after I grow up, as desired?"

Mae Chee Kaew replied, "It depends on your own bùp-pá-gam (merit, deeds, previous actions, kamma) alone."

The devas then discussed this matter with one another, which also included the Deva King Phra Indra, and then decided to return to heaven, except for the deva who was to be born to the farmer couple. 

Some time later, Khun Mae Chee Kaew invited the couple for a chat, and told them about her discussions with the devas. The husband and wife both agreed to offer to be the parents of the deva. When the wife delivered the baby, the deva was born as a baby boy with all his complete faculties intact. This is actually important as those who are physically challenged are usually considered unsuitable for ordination. 

The father came to see Mae Chee Kaew to inform her of his son's birth. Mae Chee Kaew told him to name his son "Inthawai", meaning "An offering to Phra Inn (Indra)". 

At present, Luang Phor Inthawai is now very famous and has become a great Geiji Ajaan that many people respect. I think he should be known to those Singaporeans and Malaysians who like to follow monks of the Thammayut tradition.  

Admin Note: 

All beings fare in accordance with their kamma. Many devout Buddhists I know found that they had affinity with Buddhism since young. Personally, I too was Buddhist in my past life, except unlike LP Inthawai, I was not a Buddhist god (deva) but a Buddhist child spirit (kumantong). 

Therefore my spiritual faculties and parami are not as developed and I can only do my part by sharing Dhamma as a layperson.

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