
Tuesday 19 April 2022

Teaching of Luang Pu Doo

Teaching of Luang Pu Doo

Once there was a luksit of Luang Pu Doo who was just sitting by his kuti and chatting with him. 

The devotee told Luang Pu that he would like to share a story, and Luang Pu was all ears. The story went like this. 

It is commonly known that the great forest monk, Luang Ta Maha Bua was a strict monk who expected no less of his disciples. There was a time when Luang Ta noticed one of his disciples slacking off instead of putting full effort into the practice. Luang Ta questioned him as to why he was being so lazy and heedless. 

The disciple replied, "I am waiting for the dispensation of Phra Sri Ariya Metteya (Maitreya Buddha) so that I can be enlightened then."

Luang Ta replied back in a loud voice, "If you are good-for-nothing in this life, in a future life you won't achieve anything either! Even if you are born in the dispensation of a future Buddha, useless people have no chance of attaining the true Dhamma!"

Luang Pu Doo listened to this story and laughed in agreement. He said that it is indeed true. 

People who made a vow and received a prophecy from a Buddha to be enlightened during a future Buddha's dispensation must continue to work hard and accumulate their parami. It is not a matter of sitting around and waiting for the next Buddha to appear some time in the distant future. 

And for those who are practising to escape samsara immediately, Luang Pu often encouraged his disciples to practice hard so that they may attain, at the bare minimum, the fruit of stream entry (Sotapatti Fruition), because only then will the roads to the four unfortunate realms be shut off permanently. 

For the rest who made a wish or vow to follow Phra Sri Ariya Metteya, please continue to work hard and perfect your spiritual parami! Always keep Phra Jakkapat, Luang Pu Thuad or Luang Pu Doo in mind. 

1. Dāna pāramī: generosity, giving of oneself

2. Sīla pāramī: virtue, morality, proper conduct

3. Nekkhamma pāramī: renunciation

4. Paññā pāramī: wisdom, discernment

5. Viriya pāramī: energy, diligence, vigour, effort

6. Khanti pāramī: patience, tolerance, forbearance, endurance

7. Sacca pāramī: truthfulness, honesty

8. Adhiṭṭhāna pāramī : determination, resolution

9. Mettā pāramī: goodwill, friendliness, loving-kindness

10. Upekkhā pāramī: equanimity, serenity

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