
Thursday 21 April 2022

The 5 precepts

The 5 precepts

The 5 precepts are the primary rules

That causes one to be reborn as human

Because if anyone infringes on the precepts

Its resultant unwholesome kamma

Will pull people downwards to become

Hungry ghosts, Asuras, Animals or Hell Beings

Therefore most animals will sink into the lower realms

To be reborn as a human is very difficult

If you are born as a human

You therefore must have at least some merit

Therefore not oppressing other beings

Is to keep the 5 precepts

Maintaining the precepts will ensure

Apart from not declining 

It will become a cause for us to reborn

In a heavenly realm

Precepts are born in our own hearts

They are not born in the Ubosot or the Wat

It is our own hearts that want to behave purely

Our own hearts which want to practice

Want to discipline and train ourselves

The results of the practice

Can scrub away the defilements in our minds

And also to perfect our parami

It will become the cause for our path to rise higher

Until we are finally able to rise above all suffering

Phra Mahaworaphat Kittiwaro

Wat Mahayong

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