
Thursday 18 February 2021

“Your mind is not calm because it keeps thinking.”

The teachings of Ajahn Suchart.

14 June 2023

“Your mind is not calm because it keeps thinking.”

Question: "How can we keep the mind calm?"

Than Ajahn:  "You need mindfulness (sati). 

You have to focus your mind on one object. 

Don’t let your mind think about this, think about that. You can do it by reciting a mantra, ‘Buddho, Buddho, Buddho’. 

When you get up in the morning, don’t let your mind think, but just keep reciting Buddho, Buddho while you are doing your activities like washing your face, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, combing your hair, getting dressed, eating. Just keep reciting Buddho, Buddho. Then, you can keep your mind calm. 

Your mind is not calm because it keeps thinking. Like water, if you don’t disturb the water, then the water will remain calm. But if you go into the water, you swim in it, you splash the water, then the water will not be calm. It’s the same thing with your mind. Your mind will only be calm when you stop thinking. You can use a mantra to force your mind to stop thinking by reciting Buddho, Buddho, Buddho or chanting, ‘Itipiso bhagavā arahaṁ sammā, Buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi,’ so forth. This will prevent you from thinking. 

Or you can keep watching what you’re doing with your body. When you brush your teeth, just stay with your brushing the teeth. Don’t think about other things. Force it to stay with your body. Then, your mind will become calm and peaceful."

Q&A, Nov 25, 2017 (youtube live)

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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