
Wednesday 17 February 2021

The Buddha said that there are four types of people in this world.

The Buddha said that there are four types of people in this world. 

The first kind of person is the person from darkness who is headed for darkness. Meaning due to the person's evil deeds in the past, he is born in a poor family, or with a misshapen body. He does not reflect on his lack of virtue, and continues to do bad kamma in this life, and so he is headed for a worse rebirth in the future.

The second person is someone who even though is born into a humble family, or is born without complete faculties, is hardworking, polite, virtuous and does good with whatever little ability or money he has. 

This person is headed for a good rebirth either as a human or in the heavenly realm, and therefore is moving from darkness to light. 

The third person is someone who is born into an influential and wealthy family. His parents are educated and gave him the best upbringing, indulging him in many types of entertainment and giving him many luxurious gifts. He does not make merit with his wealth and instead spends his time enjoying life with his friends, wasting his human rebirth and breaking the precepts. He is someone who is born of the light but heading into darkness.

The fourth type of person is a rare kind. He is born into an upper class family, handsome in stature, and had the best education and upbringing that one could have. Yet, he does not waste his time on parties and alcohol, but uses his wealth on philanthropic causes and spends much time helping others, or even on practising and propagating the Dhamma. 

A good example is Ajaan Siripanno who is a heir to billions of dollars but renounced all luxury to become a monk. His father is Ananda Krishnan, who’s worth more than US$5 billion. His mother is said to be Momwajarongse Suprinda Chakraban, a descendant of the Thai Royal family. Ajaan Siripanno is someone from the light moving towards the light. 

Let us reflect today on what kind of person we are and where we are moving towards 🙏

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