
Thursday 11 February 2021

The Guardian Spirit of the Oceans

The Guardian Spirit of the Oceans

On the seventh of December, 1973, I went on holiday for my third time to Phuket with my younger brother and his friend. Many of our friends were the sons of fishermen and led us in their usual pastime of catching crabs coming up onto the shoreline of Sai Kaew Beach. The crabs were put into a pot, intending that they would be our supper that evening. After quite some time I returned to where our vehicle was parked and sat chatting with some friends, while several others went about lighting a campfire close by. By 9 p.m. everyone had returned and we sat around the fire talking. 

An incident occurred at about that time which made me see the light of some simple truths and encouraged me to further develop goodness in my life. A being from a different realm came to this human realm – it called itself ‘The Guardian Spirit of the Oceans’.

It said to me, ‘Beneath the ocean are things of great beauty and things that are most fearsome. 

Many people who come to play in the ocean are lacking in both caution and a sense of their own physical strength. Waves that sweep up onto the beach are then drawn back into the ocean. In some spots where this happens the ocean floor quickly falls away, becoming deep in an instant. Subsequently, many will lose their life. For some, when they swim out to deep water, they will get dragged out to even deeper water and do not have the necessary strength to resist the current. It’s all because of heedlessness that many people lose their life in the ocean.’

It then asked me, ‘Do you love your father?’ ‘Yes’ I replied. ‘Would you like it if someone were to harm him?’ ‘No’ I answered. It then went on to ask, ‘Do you love your younger brother?’ ‘Yes’ I replied again. ‘Would you like it if someone were to harm him?’ ‘No’ I answered. Finally, it asked ‘And you, do you love yourself?’ Again I answered, ‘Yes.’ ‘Would you like it if someone were to come and harm you?’ ‘No.’ 

It said, ‘All animals have fathers, mothers, and siblings. It’s just that they don’t speak your language. You already have a comfortable life, why do you think to harm or take the life of other creatures?’ Having said just that much I instantly knew I had unwittingly done wrong and behaved improperly.

Deep in my heart I knew straight away that henceforth I would never intentionally harm or take the life of another creature. It taught me many things which not only led to my refraining from taking life, but also caused some of my other friends who were present that night to also do the same. Afterwards I told my friends to take the pot of crabs and release them at the shoreline. 

Even though seven years had already passed before writing about this in my journal, I could still remember the incident so clearly, and I frequently recollect the compassion and kindness of this being, for it enabled me to see the light and endeavour to do only good. It made me clearly aware that there are numerous realms of existence outside of this human one.

My conversation with this being lasted for three to four hours. Some time after the incident I further recollected on the theme of dhammas that come in pairs and realized that there is good and there is evil. Since then I’ve always tried to do what is good and refrain from what is not. 

One time, not long after that day the thought arose, ‘Whatever is reckoned as good in this world, that is what I wish to possess.’ Even to this day I still recollect this being’s great act of kindness. 

Luang Por Akaradej Thiracitto Bhikkhu

~ Ajahn Dtun

Wat Boonyawad, Bo Thong, Chonburi

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