
Tuesday 23 June 2020

“Your mind takes birth before the body dies.”

“Your mind takes birth before the body dies.”

Question (M):  "When a person dies, does he immediately take rebirth?"

Than Ajahn:  "If the person is going to be reborn as a human being, he/she has to wait for a new body. But you are automatically becoming the being you have developed in your life. If you are a deva (character), you’ll become a deva. If you are a brahma (character), you will become a brahma. If you are a Sotāpanna, you’ll be a Sotāpanna right away. Your mind takes birth before the body dies."

Male"So, do you mean that it is immediate?"

Than Ajahn:  "Yes, it’s already taken place right now. If you are a Sotāpanna, you’re a Sotāpanna. If you have an animal character, you are an animal now, even though your body is a human body. Your mind has already taken the character of an animal. It’s your character which is taking rebirth.

There are different types of characters when you die. You can become a hungry ghost. You can become a hellish being. If you’re constantly angry at people, or constantly hating people, then you’ll become a hellish being. If you’re continually greedy, you’ll become a hungry ghost. It’s your character that is being reborn. Your mind takes rebirth right away.

So, you might have a human body, but your mind can be an animal mind if you cannot keep the five precepts. That’s why sometimes they (the authority) have to put people who cannot keep the five precepts in the cells, because they are not human. They are animals. Even though the bodies are human bodies but their minds are not human mind anymore. They can hurt other people if you put them outside the cells. So, they have to be locked up. 

If you keep the five precepts, they won’t lock you up because you’re a human. The character of a human being is to be able to keep the five precepts. Keeping the five precepts will make you to become a human. If you can keep the five precepts and you can help other people, if you make other people happy, you become a deva."

“Dhamma in English to laypeople from Singapore, Apr 24, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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