
Tuesday 9 June 2020

“When a person dies, the total sum of his kamma will be the one that decide what is going to happen to his spirit."

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

2 October 2024

“When a person dies, the total sum of his kamma will be the one that decide what is going to happen to his spirit."

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Question: I understand that our last moment before death will affect our next rebirth. If a person during his life time has been practicing 5 precepts and has been helpful and generous, but during the last moment before he died, he lost his mind and kept scolding vulgarities, he will then have a bad rebirth. In this case, could you explain how the kamma is said to be fair? 

Than Ajahn: Well, you’re just fantasizing. You don’t know what actually happens to that person when he dies. It’s something that you think up. In reality, when a person dies, the total sum of his kamma will be the one that decide what is going to happen to his spirit. 

In your life, you do some good kamma and you do some bad kamma. It’s like having money. Some days, you go to the bank and deposit the money in the bank. 
Some days, you withdraw the money from the bank. At the end of the year, you check the bank balance whether you still have money in the bank or you owe the bank. 

This is the same way with what you do in your life. 
When you’re still alive, you do good kamma and you do bad kamma. When you die, the good and bad kamma will be totalled up. If the bad kamma is more than the good kamma, then the bad kamma will be the factor that will cause your spirit to be reborn as an unhappy spirit. If your good kamma is more than the bad kamma, then the good kamma will cause your spirit to become a happy spirit.

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Dec 18, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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