
Thursday 18 June 2020

“The main purpose is to keep you occupied so you don’t think about other things.”

“The main purpose is to keep you occupied so you don’t think about other things.”

Question (M):  "During my meditation, I experienced two rising and two falling in the abdomen. One is fast and the other one is slow." 

Than Ajahn:  "That’s in your mind. There’s only one rising and one falling because you’ve only got one abdomen. It cannot be two rising and falling. It’s just your imagination. Ignore it.

Just know that it’s rising and it’s falling. The main purpose is to keep you occupied so you don’t think about other things. If you don’t think about your wife, your children, your money, and you only focus on your abdomen, it means you’re meditating. Your mind will eventually become calm and peaceful. Don’t worry about whether you have two rising or one rising. Just keep watching the rising and falling of the abdomen. Stop your mind from thinking about other things."

“Dhamma in English to laypeople from Singapore, Apr 24, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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