
Friday, 26 June 2020

Is reaching jhāna make someone becoming a sotāpanna?

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

13 March 2025

Question: Is reaching jhāna make someone becoming a sotāpanna?

Than Ajahn:  No, jhāna just makes the mind calm. It will support the practice of becoming a sotāpanna. A sotāpanna must let go of his desire for clinging to the body, the desires for not wanting to get old, get sick, and die. A sotāpanna understands that mental suffering arises from the cravings for not wanting to get old, to get sick, and to die. If you don’t want to suffer from ageing, sickness and death, then you must not have any desire for the body not to get old, get sick or die. You have to let the body go. Let the body get old, get sick or die. 

If you have no jhāna, you won’t be able to let go even though you know that your suffering is caused by your attachment to your body. If you have jhāna, when you know that your suffering is caused by your attachment to your body, and if you don’t want to suffer anymore, then you just let the body go. You can do this with the support of jhāna.

“Dhamma in English, Feb 27, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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