
Sunday 14 June 2020

If a person can fulfil the 10 perfections, then he could become a Buddha.

“If a person can fulfil the 10 perfections, then he could become a Buddha.”

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Question: What will happen after the 5000 years of Buddhism? 

Than Ajahn: Well, nobody will know about the Buddha’s teachings any more. No one will be able to take advantage from the Buddha’s teachings. People will have to wait for a new Buddha, for a new person to become enlightened, to explain what the Dhamma is. It’s like what the present Buddha had done for us. 

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Question: If there is no more Buddhism, how would human kind penetrate the truth in liberation from suffering? 

Than Ajahn: Only a special human can do it. This special human is called a ‘Bodhisattā’ or ‘a future Buddha.’ He is the person who is gifted with all the 10 perfections. Then, he will become the next Buddha. 

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Question: If the Buddha is compassionate, why does it take so long for another enlightened Buddha to be born? 

Than Ajahn: It has nothing to do with being compassionate or not. It’s a matter of whether a person can fulfil the 10 perfections. If a person can fulfil the 10 perfections, then he could become a Buddha. But it is very difficult to do this, and that’s why it takes so long for one Buddha to appear on this earth.

Youtube: “Dhamma in English, Dec 18, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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