
Monday 16 December 2019

Seeking Wisdom By Bugs Tan

Seeking Wisdom

One cannot get the full essence of wisdom unless he experienced it himself. And the taste of wisdom can be experienced in 3 parts.

Firstly, he see things happened "as the way it is." Secondly, he understood the process of such phenomena for that thing to happen the way as it is. And due to that understanding, his character begin to change. He starts to let go of things that are dear to him. Knowing those are the same material and relationship that has made him  unhappy.

I finally had the  to perform the pindacara. My dream has finally come true.

My hearth was filled with joy when the devotees who has patiently formed a bee line earlier performed the pindapata. They placed the rice into my almsbowl one by one.
I was overwhelmed with joy and happinees. It was great to see so many of them. There were young and old people. Some even came with wheelchairs.

Tears flowed uncontrollablly and I kept whipping them away on my robe. It was hard for me to hold my bowl and at the same wipe my tears.

The emancipation of joy was so great. I was truly overwhelmed with joy. I melted like a piece of butter in a hot pan

I'm happy for myself and at the same time I'm happy for the devotees who has came out to take part.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning. This memory will stay in my heart forever

Bugs TAN


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