
Wednesday 11 December 2019

“What is the core of happiness? And what is the core of wisdom?”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

10 June 2023

Question (from USA)“What is the core of happiness? And what is the core of wisdom?”

Than Ajahn:  “The core of happiness is calm, peace of mind. When the mind stops thinking, that’s when you find real happiness.

The core of wisdom is the Four Noble Truths. 

If you understand the Four Noble Truths, then you have the wisdom to overcome all of your suffering, to get rid of your suffering.

So, these are the two things you need: to be completely calm – samādhi; and to have the understanding of the Four Noble Truths.”


Question (from India) “What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?”

Than Ajahn:  “It depends on how you define knowledge and wisdom. It can be the same or it can be different. According to Buddhism, wisdom is to know the Four Noble Truths – to see that dukkha is birth, aging, sickness and death; The cause of dukkha is samudaya – the three desires: the sensual desire, the desire to be and the desire not to be; The cessation of suffering; And the truth of the path leading to cessation of suffering. These are the Four Noble Truths that we consider to be wisdom.

Those who can realise this wisdom will be able to rid themselves of suffering and rid themselves from going around the cycle of rebirth. Other knowledge cannot lead you to the cessation of suffering and the cessation of cycle of rebirth. Only the knowledge of the Four Noble Truths can. So, this is considered as the real wisdom, the highest wisdom. Other knowledge or other wisdom will not be able to get rid of your suffering and stop you from going around in the cycle of rebirth.”

Q&A, Nov 14, 2017
Q&A, Jun 14, 2016

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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