
Monday 30 December 2019

How to use a skillful means to remember the urgency to practice?

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

23 June 2023

QuestionHow to use a skillful means to remember the urgency to practice?

Tan Ajahn: You need to be around people who practice, you need to have a good environment. 

If you stay around people who practice, they will constantly remind you to practice. But if you live with people who don’t practice but who do other things, they can distract you from practicing.

If you cannot live in the company of people who practice, like living in the temple, then you must constantly think about your practice and constantly think about the fact that you are getting sick, getting old, and dying. This will spur you into action. But I think the best thing is to leave your present environment if it is not supporting your practice. The distractions are a hindrance to your practice.

That is what I said in my last talk; you have to use vimaṁsā, analytical thinking. You have to differentiate what supports your practice, what pushes you forward, and what pulls you back. 

Whatever pulls you back, you should eliminate or get away from. Whatever pushes you forward, you should keep them around you.

The Buddha said the environment that will push your practice forward is to live in seclusion, to be alone where no one will distract you from your practice, to only be with your own desire/kilesa. But that is only one part. If you live with other people and you live in a bad environment, then you have five other things that pull you away from your practice: sight, sound, smell, taste, and tactile objects will keep pulling you away from your practice.

So, you need to go live in seclusion, and live near a meditation master, a teacher who will constantly remind you, who will constantly energize you.

“Dhamma for the Asking, Dec 9, 2014”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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