
Thursday 1 October 2020

Human Life and Problems Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda WE ARE RESPONSIBLE

Human Life and Problems
Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda

Even educated people do not use their knowledge wisely when they come to superstitious practices that are performed in the name of religion. Try to get rid of this poor mentality by strengthening the mind and developing self-confidence. 

Then we can overcome many of our problems and in most cases, our imaginary problems will simply disappear.

According to some religious beliefs, there is a god who is responsible for all the good things that happen to us and if anything goes wrong, then the devil is to be blamed for it. 

To us it is not a very convincing belief.

Most of us simply do not try to understand why we are not happy and why we are not satisfied with our lives, and who is responsible for this situation. The Buddha teaches that we are ultimately responsible for every action of ourwhich leads to contentment or unsatisfactoriness.

Besides all major problems for which we are responsible and which affect us directly we also create some others which divide mankind and create problems such as racial arrogance, religious fanaticism, cultural and traditional discrimination, language problems, colour bar and superiority and inferiority complex by thinking the followers of other religions are their enemies and it is a sin to support the activities of another religion. They never think that the followers of every religion are trying to do some service to humanity and not do harm to others. 

Problems such as these indirectly contribute to our sense of discontentment.

~ Ven. K Sri Dhammananda

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