
Friday 9 October 2020

How can I smile when I am filled with so much sorrow? It is natural: you need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow.” Thich Nhat Hanh 💖 Forgiveness sets everyone free

"Suffering is not enough. Life is both dreadful and wonderful…
How can I smile when I am filled with so much sorrow?
It is natural: you need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than your sorrow.”
Thich Nhat Hanh 💖
Forgiveness sets everyone free.

Before forgiveness, we are often in a state of blame, feeling as though we have been wronged, and thus the other person deserves our punishment.

Prior to any wrong doing, there was a state of suffering and ignorance of our true nature and essence Love.

Prior to that, there was a Soul Contract, where two souls before incarnating, agreed to help each other grow, take each other to the next stage of evolution.

The facilitation of those lessons, however, may not be so pleasant, which is why it is so difficult to understand or find forgiveness in our hearts.

When you feel someone has done you wrong, and that they hurt you intentionally and do not deserve your forgiveness, how do you find it in you to forgive? How do you forgive someone you feel does not deserve your forgiveness?

(1) As we transcend our ego and personality self, we open the Heart Centre and vibrate at a Higher Frequency than the events that hurt us, or the consequences of the events that hurt us.

(2) As we open our hearts, and begin to see the world through the eyes of Compassion, our Love dissolves the very barriers that kept us separate and numb to each other’s pain.

(3) A person’s True Nature, our Soul, is Love. But when we forget our True Essence, we begin to identify with our earthy experiences.

The same person who committed crime against you, is the same person, whom may have had crime done onto them once upon a time, witnessed violence growing up and did not heal.

Pain must be transmuted and transformed into Power, otherwise, years down the line, it starts hurting and sabotaging your own life and success, and it spills over to hurt and sabotage other people’s lives, who had nothing to do with your past experiences, nor deserve to pay for your unhealed wounds.

(4) Through the understanding that, all unhealed wounds that others carry, may spill over and hurt you, you can find a point of forgiveness.

When you realise that “your enemy”, needed help and healing, you can take the pressure off you, and understand that you are not to blame, thus you don’t have to suffer and carry this cross with you for the rest of your life. 

BUT, you also do not have to be the healer of that person. 

Each person is responsible for their own healing, for many people are given the experiences that Call for Healing, and they choose not to heal. Healing is a choice, that each person must make, in their own free will. You cannot save or rescue a person who does not believe that 

1. They are in Pain and that 

2. They need help and healing and 

3. They are willing to do whatever it takes in order to heal.

(4) Choose Light, fill your Inner Temple with Divine Love

Love is a force so gentle yet so powerful, it is the only force that can destroy evil.

Evil bows down and melts at the heating melting Power of Divine Love.

You can hold onto anger, resentment, pain, and let it ruin your life, or you can Transmute through Divine Love.

For we were made from Divine Love. Only when we forget our true essence and begin to falsely believe that we are separate.

(5) Important Message on Forgiveness

Forgiveness does not mean forgetting or going back into a particular relationship or a situation that is clearly harmful, disrespectful and hurtful to you. Forgiveness is simply you releasing that heavy energy that in the end, only consumes you and drags you down. Forgive, set yourself free, and set others free.

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