
Monday 31 August 2020

Human Life and Problems Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda WORRIES

Human Life and Problems
Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda


People concentrate more on pleasure rather than on their peace and health. Some people worry by considering their future although they have more than enough at the moment. 

They worry about their sicknesses, old-age, death, funerals and also about heaven and hell or the next birth. 

Everyday they experience uncertainty in their lives. They run around searching for a remedy to end their problems. 

They worry when they are getting old. They worry when they cannot gain what they want. They worry when they lose their belongings or persons they love. After that, they create frustration, anguish, mental agony and suffer from mental disturbance and later these turn into physical ailments. 

Throughout their lives, they continue this search for peace and happiness until they die without finding the real solution.

Not knowing the real nature of life, we try to maintain it without experiencing any disappointments and changes. 

But life is changeable. It is a bundle of elements and energies which are always changing and the situation is always not to our satisfaction. 

Sometimes we feel life is not in our favour. When the elements and energies are imbalanced, we experience uneasiness, sickness, pain and many other problems. When mental energy is disturbed, we experience mental problems. 

After that our organs and glands also change their normal functions and affect the blood circulation, hormones, heart and brain cells.

We can avoid many of these problems if we can understand this conflict in our body and lead a natural life in harmony with natural forces which make up our physical existence.

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