
Monday 31 August 2020

Human Life and Problems ~ Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda

 Human Life and Problems
~ Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda


Mental imbalance which we regard as madness is another big problem. By violating an ethical way of life, man disturbs his own peace and happiness and that of others. 

Then by bringing external incidents into the mind more miseries, excitement, fear and insecurity are created.

Many people have to suffer from frustrations and nervous breakdowns because they have not trained their minds to maintain contentment. They have developed only craving for sensual pleasures. To them development means development of craving.

As a result, they also develop unhealthy competition and violence. That is how they have turned the whole world into a chaotic situation. After that, everyone cries for peace. 

People accuse god or the devil of putting them in misery. 

They do pray and worship to escape from the problems which they themselves created.

We can understand now who actually creates problems and who can overcome them. The Buddha says the world is within you. When you discipline yourself, the whole world is disciplined and peace is maintained. It is not necessary to beg for peace from others. 

Good and bad, peace and violence, all exist because of the trained and untrained mind.

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