
Sunday 9 August 2020

“For people who can be enlightened after listening to a Dhamma talk, they already have sīla and samādhi but lack wisdom.”

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

“For people who can be enlightened after listening to a Dhamma talk, they already have sīla and samādhi but lack wisdom.”

QuestionI read in the Sutta that some people have attained Arahantship after listening to Dhamma talks. How can these people made their defilements disappear overnight just by listening to Dhamma?

Than Ajahn:  It is not overnight. They have been getting rid of the defilements continuously until they reached the last step. Usually, for people who can be enlightened after listening to a Dhamma talk, they already have sīla and samādhi but lack wisdom. Once they heard the wisdom from the Buddha, they can apply the wisdom and became enlightened right away. 

Those people who listen to the Dhamma and don’t become enlightened, it means that they don’t have sīla, they don’t have samādhi or they don’t have paññā. That’s why they don’t become enlightened while listening to Dhamma talks.

By Ajaan Suchart Abhijāto

Youtube: Dhamma in English


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