
Monday 20 July 2020

“Whatever will be, will be. ‘Que sera sera’"

“Whatever will be, will be. ‘Que sera sera’"

Upāsikā“After some years of practice, I feel that I regress. I cannot sit as long as I used to.” 

Than Ajahn:  “Because you lack mindfulness. You start to lose your mindfulness. You let your mind think about other things, and it makes you feel frustrated and agitated. You have to always control your thoughts. Try to stop thinking. Every time you have issues with anything, just say, ‘They are aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, anattā.’ Let them be. 

Don’t try to solve them. Don’t try to get involved with them if you cannot do anything about them. If you can do something, do it. If you cannot, just say, ‘Ok. Whatever will be, will be. Que sera sera.’

If you can say, ‘Que sera sera,’ you’re taken care of. There’s no problem. The problem is you want to solve everything. You want to manage everything. You want to control everything. This is wrong. You have to know when you can control things and when you cannot control things. You cannot control everything. When you cannot control it, then you just have to let it be.

If you cannot do anything, control your mind first. Recite a mantra to stop your thought for trying to solve your problem. 

And if you cannot solve your problems, then you should stop trying to control things.”

“Dhamma in English, Apr 5, 2018.”

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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