
Wednesday 1 July 2020

How to practice mindfulness of breathing according to the 16 steps in the Ānāpānasati Sutta?

The Teaching of Ajahn Suchart.

20 April 2023

QuestionHow to practice mindfulness of breathing according to the 16 steps in the Ānāpānasati Sutta?

Than Ajahn: When you read the sutta, you read too much of it. When you practice, you don’t have to worry about the 16 steps. You only have to worry about the first step. Before you can go to the other steps, you have to be able to do the first step first. And the first step is to be mindful with your breath. Just keep watching your breath at the tip of your nose. And do nothing else. Don’t think about anything. 

Don’t think what step I am in now. Should I move to the second step, to the third step? This will come automatically. Don’t worry about it. 

Just start with the first step. Just be mindful of your breath. Know that your breath is coming in or going out. If your breath is soft, know it. 

If it’s strong, know it. If it’s hard, know it. If it’s long, know it. If it’s short, know it. Don’t force the breath. Don’t manage the breath. Just keep watching the breath. 

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QuestionCan Ānāpānasati practice lead to jhāna?

Than Ajahn: Yes, it will eventually lead you to the fourth jhāna, by keep concentrating on your breath. 

When it reaches the fourth jhāna, it will be like falling from a high place, like falling from a cliff. And then, your mind will be peaceful and calm. It has equanimity and happiness. 

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QuestionDuring meditation, my breathing become less noticeable and my heartbeat becomes more obvious. Sometimes I notice that my heartbeat moves around. Should I switch my focus to my heartbeat? 

Which parts of my body should I focus on when this happens?

Than Ajahn:  No, you shouldn’t switch. You should stay with your breath. Don’t move to other objects. 

Stay with one object of meditation from the start to the end of your meditation. 

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QuestionI enjoy calmness during meditation. Should I continue to observe my breath until I can feel the breath travels along my nerves?

Than Ajahn: You don’t have to follow the breath. You don’t have to know where the breath goes. All you have to do is to stay at one point, at the tip of your nose. Because if you follow your breath, it will lead you to various parts of the body. And your mind will be working. Your mind will not become still. So, you have to stay at one point.

Dhamma in English, May 24, 2020. 

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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