
Saturday 18 April 2020

"Meditation is considered to be a sacred activity."

"Meditation is considered to be a sacred activity."

Layperson:  “When I was doing some walking meditation, there’s a very good discovery. When I noticed my feeling while focusing on the gross sensation of the feet touching the cold cement, I can concentrate quite easily. But when I engaged with the muscles of my body, for example when doing walking meditation with my hands up to the side or up to the front, the pain arose from these muscles getting tired and I need to be more alert. Is this the right way?”

Than Ajahn:  “Meditation is considered to be a sacred activity.

You want to make it look respectable. Normally people will be reserved when doing walking meditation. It is not taking a casual walk. It is considered as a sacred activity, the activity where you should be reserved and you should concentrate on your mind while doing it.

If you want to exercise like doing yoga, you can do it at some other times. When you do walking meditation, you should do it like when you are doing sitting meditation. You should not move your arms around. You should place your hands in front of your body and walk back and forth, back and forth. This is the recommended posture while doing walking meditation.

If you want to do some exercises, you can do that on a different time.

You separate these two activities.

Don’t mix them together. If you mix these activities, it appears as if you’re mocking your practice instead of being respectful of your practice. Practice is considered as respecting the Dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha. So, you want to do it in a way that looks respectable.”

Layperson “I got the point.”

Than Ajahn:  “If you want to do exercise, you can do that mindfully, and do it separately from walking meditation. You should not do exercise while you’re doing walking meditation. If you want to do yoga, or if you want to swing your arms, you can do it on a separate time. Don’t do it while you’re doing walking meditation.”

From "Dhamma in English to layperson from Italy, Feb 8, 2018."

By Ajahn Suchart Abhijāto

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